If you have faced a natural disaster many of your important personal items may have been destroyed . A common loss is your automobile. A valuable tip to pay attention to before a disaster happens is to keep the comprehensive care coverage. While it is not always required for you to keep comprehensive coverage you will be thankful that you did if something happens.
Edmonds.com provides some helpful tips on how to replace your car after a natural disaster takes place. Some of them include:
- Document your case. Don’t clean up until you have documented the damage completely.
- Stand your ground and escalate if needed. Escalating is easier if you have kept detailed records of all interactions and conversations.
- Don't buy the first car you can as soon as you get your settlement – Take the needed time to find a decent price and a reliable car. Watch out for overpricing that can happen in an area affected by a natural disaster.
If you are faced with legal issues having to do with property damage and loss contact me today at (251) 202-3374
If you would like to read the rest of Edmonds.com advice for how to replace your car after a natural disaster click here to read more.